
02/23/14: Weekly Song #3 - One Rose by Why? (2009)

This next entry is something i was listening to a lot around the time my Grandpa passed away. I often return to this album. Why? is a musician that started off more as a hiphopper and rapper. 

This album was conceived and recorded at the same time as their previous album Alopecia. Alopecia had remnants of hip hop left and with this additional collection of songs, he abandoned hip hop completely to show his more folky slant. 

Overall a pretty depressing album but "One Rose" is a beautiful song that I will remember forever. Why? can be an acquired taste for some, but I really love his unique approach to music. 


02/16/14: Weekly Song #2 - So Good At Being In Trouble by Unknown Mortal Orchestra (2013)

Unknown Mortal Orchestra is a band I saw opening for Portugal the man a couple years ago. I wasn't crazy about their debut album outside of a couple songs. Their follow up from last year called "II" was a huge improvement. They have an interesting lo-fi sound and a falsetto vocalist. A really nice mixed sound of the old with the new 

So Good At Being In Trouble by Unknown Mortal Orchestra from the 2013 album II.



02/10/14: Weekly Song #1 - Ijiraq by Dawn of Midi (2013)

I haven't written for or posted on this site in quite some time. I will be trying to get back into the swing of it a bit. There is a ridiculous amount of music I have listened to since I had stopped writing that deserves a mention on here. I will try to get it on here in one way or another. I will use this site to both write about albums and songs that I think you need to hear.

In the meantime, I have started sending out a weekly music email to a few of my family and friends and decided to also post the song choices here and this is entry #1

Ijiraq by Dawn of Midi from the 2013 album Dysnomia.

It is one of the best albums from last year in my opinion. It is an all acoustic experimental Jazz Trio.