1. Based Is How You Feel Inside
2. Fall In Love
3. Improvised Jam
4. Mass Appeal/Transmission
5. I Got A Bad Feeling About This
6. Salmonella
7. Freedom/Billium Evans
8. The World Is Yours
9. Listeriosis
10. Camel
11. Title Theme/Saria's Song/Song Of Storms
12. Outro/Glasper
so it's Crossover time again. i chose to do BADBADNOTGOOD's current discography since adam has been raving about them so much. check all his posts here BBNG2 BBNGLIVE 2 BBNG
i actually picked up the first record off bandcamp back when it first came out and then, like most things i get off bandcamp and don't listen to right away, i forgot about them. until now.
as he explained in his post, these guys are a jazz trio that's into hip hop. while he "really loved this album" it didn't really do it for me. i'm not saying it was bad or anything, it was pretty enjoyable, it's just not really my style. a little too mellow and beboppy. and the sound of the piano reminded me of stuff you'd hear on PBS or something. i don't want to rip these guys as they're all obviously talented musicians but like i said, this isn't really my thing. what i will agree with adam about is the Zelda medley being the highlight of the album. it's extremely well done and it really is amazing how iconic these songs are. even after all these years and the fact that they're being presented in an entirely new light, you still know exactly what they are. hopefully they'll do some more game music in the future.
like i said, this wasn't a bad album and i'll definitely be keeping it in rotation on the old ipod but other than the Zelda track it's probably not something i'll go out of my way to listen to.

1. Hard In Da Paint
2. Electric Relaxation
3. Camel
4. Doom
5. Matt Swag
6. Fall In Love
7. Disorder
8. Nightmare
9. Brooklyn Zoo
10. Alex Swag
11. The World Is Yours
12. Salmonella
13.Bastard/Lemonade/AssMilk/Shouts Out
14. Freedom
as the title says, this is BADBADNOTGOOD's 1st live album. it only has a couple tracks off the studio album, the rest is all new stuff. most music is better live but i think that's especially true for jazz. the sound quality on the album is great. it loses some of the overproduction of the studio album. most notably the bright, tinkly PBS piano sound. it's not entirely gone but it's dulled or something. there's also more variety in the tempo, which is always nice, but it also gives the drummer and bassist a little more to work with and allows them to show their skills as well. i really liked this album a lot. i would probably recommend starting with this album over the studio one.
1. Hard In Da Paint
2. DMZ
3. Banter
4. CMYK/Limit To Your Love
5. Rotten Decay
6. Bastard/Lemonade
the 2nd live album was kind of a live teaser ep for the new full length. these tracks are really cool. they have a darker sound and offer more of a variety of tempos and arrangements. i'm not going to get too much into the tracks though since they're all on the next album. once again the sound quality is great.
1. Earl (feat. Leland Whitty)
2. Vices
3. Rotten Decay
4. Limit To Your Love
5. Bastard/Lemonade
7. UWM (feat. Leland Whitty)
8. DMZ
10. Flashing Lights
11. You Made Me Realise (feat. Luan Phung)
the latest release from BADBADNOTGOOD. this is a fucking dope album. this is what i wanted the 1st album to sound like. the songs are darker and more varied in tempo and instrumentation. it's not the same piano sound and mellow tempo for the whole album and like i mentioned before, i feel like the bass and drums get a little more attention on these tracks. the drummer in particular, dude lays down some rad beats. all the playing is excellent though, these guys know their shit. i hope on their next album they have more tracks with sax, it really complimented their style well. i was really impressed that they did a My Bloody Valentine cover. this is also the only time i've EVER enjoyed a kayne song. EVER.
overall i have to agree 100% with adam about this album. fucking amazing stuff, i'm looking forward to where they go from here.
oh yeah, how fucking rad is that cover art?
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